Spring is here!
That means walks outside with the dogs, yardwork (which is great exercise), and the beginning of fresh seasonal fruits and veggies!
Right now it also means rain by the bucketfull, flooding, and more gloomy days than sunny ones. It's hard not to let the clouds and the rain get me down, but I'm beginning to come out of the winter funk, and I can't wait for beautful weather!
One of the things i've really been struggling with lately is motivation. I should exercise, but i have a thousand other things i either would rather be doing, or that have more pressing deadlines. I should take the time to cook a good healthy paleo meal, but takeout is faster. I've fallen out of some of the healthier habits i had started to develop because I lost track of just how important they are, not only to my health, but to my quality of life.
I think i'm starting to find that motivation again. On the few days it has not rained, it's been hot and muggy. Upper 70's, lower 80's, and humid. That's unusual for this early in the year, and i guess my body isnt used to the warmer weather yet. Lets face it, it's got me sweating like a pig. I walk to the train in the mornings, and then from the train to work, and then the reverse again at the end of the day. I see all the other commuters in their power suits, and their skirts and spring or summer dresses, and they don't even look flushed. Meanwhile, i'm sure that I'm about to melt.
I would love to be able to wear a skirt for summer. Not only would it help keep me cool for the walking part of my commute, but skirts are fun. They're cute. They're summery. I just don't have the confidence to pull them off.
But... I could. If i get myself back on track, get back to the workouts and the healthy eating, i might just be able to get away with them by the time the worst of the summer heat hits. A good pair of legs is possible... or at least a better pair than i have now. That won't do anything to change the fact that those legs are whiter than a sheet of paper, and that no amount of tanning will change that. But, a good pair of nylons can fix it.
So, for now, that's my motivation. It was good enough to get me to push myself for that extra lap on the treadmill last night. Here's to hoping it'll keep me pushing until my goal's in sight!
Skirts in the summertime...