It's been a few days since my last post, partly because i've been a bit frustrated lately with this whole paleo thing. When the boyfriend started it about a year and a half ago, the weight just melted off of him. I've been at it for about 4 months, and haven't lost a single pound. I'm hitting crossfit at least once a week, sometimes twice. I'm walking about 10 miles a week in addition to the crossfit. All that exercise is a new thing, and a total change from the carb loaded sedentary life i'd been living before. But, i've seen no change in my weight since I started this whole paleo thing. I feel better, which definitely counts for something. People have said that it looks like i've lost weight. But the scale shows no change, and it's a very frustrating, and some times depressing thing. I've made some big changes in my life, and so far i havent see any measurable change.
The boyfriend spent forever telling me about how going paleo was going to change my world. He swore that anyone could do it, and that it would work for everyone. I'm not seeing that being the case. He's sure that there must be something i'm doing wrong. Probably there is. I cheat. Sometimes there aren't paleo options available for meals, if i'm dining at someone else's house. Sometimes cookies still call to me. But, i've put in way more hard work than the cheating should be able to undo.
I'm going to keep at it, never fear. I may not be thinner, but i do still feel better. I'm happier, less stressed, and that's not only due to the change in what i'm eating, and the increased exercise levels, but to the fact that the boyfriend and i are getting a chance to eat meals together again, and have our date night at the gym. Maybe it's the paleo, maybe its a placebo effect, but either way, it's worth the sacrifices i make to enjoy the benefits i do see.
The jury's still out on whether or not this is something i can and will stick with as a lifestyle. But, for now, it's not hurting anything, and it may just help me yet.