It's been almost 6 months since my last post here. I could claim that my life's just been so crazy, and hectic, and chaotic, that i couldnt possibly have found time. I would be a liar, liar, pants on fire.
I'm a quitter, by nature. Not necessarily because i don't actually want to do things, but more because when i take time off from things, i lack the motivation to pick them back up again. Sure, there was tons of stuff going on, and it made it more difficult to get started again, but the main issue was motivation.
Here's what my last 6 months looked like:
-A couple of new projects at work. My workload increased, and i had to start actually working at work, instead of blogging at work. Shocking, i know.
-Nice weather. I spend as much time as possible at a little cabin in the middle of nowhere. No phone, no internet, no television. It's bliss. I could have blogged, but i would much rather have been there, sorry.
-A vacation that left me relaxed, energized, and feeling better about myself than i have in a long time. This particular vacation did the exact same thing for me last year. I'm thinking it's going to be an annual thing, if i can swing the cash for it.
Sure, there was a lot more going on, but those three are the most important. They all contributed significantly towards the bettering of my quality of life, and my enjoyment of life. Yes, even the whole "actually working at work" part. When i'm busy, i feel like i'm accomplishing something. When i accomplish things, i feel that i'm a more valuable part of my little work team. Sitting around playing solitaire all day may sound like fun, but it's hard to go home at the end of the day and feel like you actually accomplished something worthwhile, when you didnt actually accomplish anything.
That job, which i now enjoy more, comes with a disgusting commute. I spend 4 hours of my day, every day, just getting to and from work. The only reason that my daily commute hasnt sucked out my soul is that i take the train. It allows me to read books, sleep, browse the internet, and more recently, read other people's paleo blogs. I read a lot. For a while there, i was on a fiction kick, so i'd read a book or two a day, during the commute. I'm kind of over that for now, it goes in spurts. So i'm back to internet browsing, in between naps, and that brings me back to some of my more favorite paleo blogs. Reading about other people's paleo journeys sort of puts the fire back in me to write about my own. Thus, the lost motivation is found, and i'm back. For now.
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